IMFITEX sp. z o.o. in Kędzierzyn-Koźle is a company present on the Polish market since 1991.

The IMFITEX company started activity in 1991. In 2003, due to the dynamic development, was transformed into a general partnership under the name IMFITEX Jerzy Jarawka Sp. J. In 2022r. there was another transformation into IMFITEX sp.z o.o. and it is currently operating in this legal form.
IMFITEX sp. z o.o. is one of the leading companies in Poland offering devices made of thermoplastics (we are authorized to manufacture, modernize and repair devices made of thermoplastics).

Our offer includes:
  • Storage and process tanks (spiral wound tanks and manufactured using the traditional method of butt welding).
  • Pickling tubs and complete pickling lines.
  • Technological installations.
  • Air cleaning systems (absorbers, scrubbers, etc.).
  • Plastic fans.
 From the beginning of its activity, IMFITEX has been a family company with entirely Polish capital.

IMFITEX sp. z o.o. is a modernly managed company where the terms of cooperation are tailored to the individual needs of customers.

Experience, completed projects, continuous improvement of the qualifications of our staff and systematic expansion of the machine park ensured the company's development and a stable position on the market.
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